Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Philippians 2

     While we live the Christian life to serve God, we are also to count others more significantly than ourselves (verse 3). This relates back to not fulfilling our own selfish desires as Paul discusses in chapter one. He also describes the example Christ set for us when He came down to earth and lived in the flesh. Christ, although He was in the form of God, took the responsibilities of man and did not set himself equal to God (verse 6 & 7). He offered himself as a servant to others around Him and sacrificed His life for the benefit of others. As we see, Christ is the ultimate example of how we ought to humble ourselves and act as a servant to others.
     Even Paul refers to the world as a twisted generation, stating that as Christians we should be lights in the world. Through Jesus Christ we must shine for His glory. Our actions should reveal our love for Christ in this dark world we live in. We are to obey God's word in order to know that our actions are not vain (verse 16).
     In the second chapter of Philippians, Paul continues to stress the role of Christians and how Christ has set the perfect example. Paul was truly a messenger of Christ and sacrificed everything in order to serve the Lord and rejoice. I want to live my life completely for the Lord just as Paul did. As a Christian, I want to sacrifice my selfish desires and humble myself for others. Serving others is the honor I have from working for the Lord. I look at the responsibilities placed before me as a Christian with joy. How amazing is it that I have a God so awesome and forgiving to allow a sinful person like me to follow Him?

Monday, December 22, 2014

Philippians 1

     In my last post, I mentioned how God placed upon my heart to read Philippians. I listen to Him and I did. I keep reading the entire book over and over again because I am learning so much from it. I want to post about each of the chapters because there are certain points that stick out to me.
     In the beginning verses, Paul discusses how he is so thankful for those who are filled with the spirit of Christ. He expresses that through his imprisonment he still rejoices because the Lord lives within him. There was a clear purpose for Paul to be imprisoned as he was. Paul states the purpose of the flesh body is to witness to other people. Once Paul belonged to God, he was no longer living for his gain, but now for God's. Paul states that he has a choice to either be in the flesh or with Christ and his desire is to be with Christ because that is far better. However, he remains in the flesh for the purpose of the others and to help them grow in their faith. Since Jesus Christ lives within him, he lives in one spirit with God. Everything he does is according to God's will, not Paul's own selfish desires. He even mentions that we ought to suffer for the Lord's sake because this life is about Him not us.
     Reading this made me reflect on my role in belonging to the Lord. Every single person has selfish desires. It is inevitable to have them. When I am in a situation that I want the result to end in my favor, I need to think about my purpose for being here. As a Christian, I sacrificed my life so that it was no longer about me but about Him. For me to have selfish desires is pointless because I am not here in the flesh to do what I want to do. I am His and anything the Lord asks of me I shall do with joy. While He does have a plan for me, I am here to carry out His plan. Whatever pain I endure on this earth is tolerable only through Him, because I should suffer just as His son suffered on the cross for me.
     At the end of the day, I have accepted the trials Jesus will put me through. I know that living in one spirit with Him, I am able to conquer anything. While I can beg Him for my desires, I should be satisfied with whatever He has planned for me. I am not here to selfishly wallow through my troubles; I am here to serve the Lord and add to His kingdom. Christ carries out His purpose through living in me.

Googling God

     For a while now, I have wanted to start a blog to write about my thoughts and relationship with Christ. I enjoy telling people how Jesus Christ is working in my life and how much have learned by seeking Him. I started reading the Bible on a daily basis about 5 months ago, a point in my life where I had nothing to grasp on to except for Jesus. Not only have a built a relationship through Him, but I am also able to clearly hear what He is telling me because I do have this personal relationship with Him.
     As I have developed my relationship with Christ, I have learned in order to receive answers I have to actively seek Him. It is so hard to hear God's voice when there is no relationship between me and Him. Now that I come to Him about everything, I hear Him clearly speak, "Jessica, this is what I want for you." I can't promise what He says is clear every single time, but I do know He is there listening and He will answer.
     Another thing I have learned recently in my relationship with Him is that Google is not the answer. I'm sure everybody has at some point in their life asked Google a question to see what the "correct answer" is. I will admit I have done the same about God. I have asked Google a question about faith, hoping a Christian blog will give me an answer. While many Christian blogs are wonderful resources, they do not reflect God's specific answers to you. Every individual's relationship with God is unique and delicate. If each relationship were the same, God would create a resource with all the answers. But wait, He did. 
     While our relationships with Him are each personal and different, there is one resource we can go to with the answers He has laid out for us. It is definitely not simple to find the answers; however, we receive them by searching for Him. He reveals to us the answers according to our changing circumstances in this life we live. There is no need to turn to Google. We have an Almighty God with every answer.
     Today, my heart was heavy and I guidance help from God. I felt this knocking on my heart and this urge to read Philippians. I have never read the entire book of Philippians so I opened it and read all four chapters and wow. God was truly speaking to me. I have read the whole book of Philippians twice today analyzing what God is telling me. My heart is so full to know that I have a Lord who is here to comfort me and help me in times of despair.
     In the end, I want to continue to post on this blog in hopes of inspiring others in their journey with Christ. While I may not always be accurate, I know that I have a God who is. I can only pray that others will seek Him and discover the wonderful plans He has for us. Stay tuned as I continue to post about my love for Jesus, positivity, and helping others.